
Read about Simeon Banda’s farming project and watch the video of healthy crops – February 2025

Congratulations James Page who completed the marathon in 4:44:28 and raised a massive £1500.

James Page is running the Kent Spring Marathon
on 14th April 2024

James is running the Kent Spring Marathon and raising money for the Malawi Twin project. The aim is to raise £500 to support the current aims and in memory of Brian Wilkins. You can support him by donating to his online fundraising page.

Brian Wilkins

20th January 1950 – 1st January 2024

The funeral of Brian Wilkins took place at Corpus Christi Church
Tuesday 30th January at 12 Noon

Eulogy given by Ken Marsh

From the early days of his marriage to Martina Brian threw himself into parish activities continually, these included regular membership of the parish social committee and in particular the Christmas bazaar. Running the monthly Bingo sessions, any other parish activity and helping Martina with organising the Sunday coffee mornings.

Martina has asked me to concentrate particularly on Malawi-Twin

Brian will be particularly remembered for his work in Malawi-Twin, a charitable arm of Corpus Christi, the concept of which grew from the Archbishop’s appeal at the millennium to put aside 5% of our weekly offertories to Covenant to the Poor and this more or less coincided with an arrangement started at that time, and still continues to this day, of receiving a priest from Malawi as Summer supply to allow our parish priest to take annual leave. These priests made quite an impression on us and in particular on Brian and Peter Wells, who is now in a Nursing Home, and not actively involved. Meetings were held and it was decided to form an official group in the parish which was named ‘Malawi-Twin’.

These meetings had to establish what were the most useful benefits that could be given to Malawi, these were established as Health, Microloans and Education, the latter including not only buildings and equipment but also sponsorship of fees for secondary schooling which is not free in Malawi. Currently the fees for boys are about £100 per annum and £250 for girls, the difference is that girls have to board for their own health and safety, currently there are 57 students whose fees are being paid by Malawi-Twin. Sponsorship has also helped students at the seminary and university.

With regard to buildings there have been well over a dozen classrooms built and perhaps twenty others being provided with electricity to enable them to be used at night. There is also a Solar Light appeal so that students can study at home as darkness there is from to and at the moment well over 2,000 have been provided.

One particular project which gave Malawi-Twin great pleasure was the donation of computers to the parish of Nsanje with a member of the team travelling out as a trainer. This responded to a request as Nsanje was due to become an international port due to dredging of the river, Malawi is landlocked, all those trained by us got jobs in offices when the port opened as the need for office staff became more necessary.

In all these activities Brian was actively involved and ran social events to gather necessary funds.

Brian’s job in Tonbridge was Transport Manager for T & T Services. A local logistics company with international trade. He realised that with his knowledge the parish could send out a container with necessary items. He tried, without success, to get an export license but this did not deter him. He set about trying other routes and eventually found out that the Anglican Diocese of Birmingham was sending a container each year which they could not fill. We joined forces with them regarding the transport and Brian was the brain behind the logistics. We both benefitted, us for the transport and Birmingham for the knowledge and expertise. Last June the parish loaded 520 boxes, packed and waterproofed over the winter by parishioners, onto a lorry which then travelled to Birmingham and our team, managed by Brian, loaded them on to the container for its onward journey. This was the fourteenth container to go.
A typical load would be 500,000 sheets of A4 for computers and National Examinations (supplied by one of Brian’s contacts free), 20-30 reconditioned computers (cleaned by Kevin who incidentally has cleaned all those sent out there, a massive project so Thank You Kevin), inks and toners for all the computers out there, a record of all computers and their refills etc. being kept by Brian. There are now over 500 computers out there given by us, also agricultural tools, tons of clothes for adults and children (these actually make good stuffing for the cartons to keep contents safe and secure, no space wasted), materials and cotton, sewing machines of which there are between 200-300 also out there which brings in an income for the mothers, shoes and spectacles, vestments and much else. Brian also arranged for the transport of feminine wear with a linked charity SALUT.

Not only did we all benefit from Brian’s energy and drive but also his contacts through his work, I am afraid that I do not know who all these were but I know that he would wish me to thank all of them for what they did for us, I will just mention two in particular and that is Ruth for letting us have warehouse space for so long now with absolutely no charge, T & T Services for transport to Birmingham until they stopped trading and then Lenham Storage for taking over all completely free of charge. Without these savings the amount sent out would have been far, far less.

Microloans are life changing. Funds have been sent for pig farming, bakery equipment, dressmaking and vegetable farming among others and the beauty of this is that they are granted to groups of women who have to report every two months and give back 10% of the profits until the loan is repaid and then this goes to another set of women and so on.

Control is most important in an operation as big as this. The team will only look after a maximum of four parishes and its parish priest is known to us personally. Until Covid four members of the team would travel out and vouch for every building paid for. On one occasion two of our ladies unpacked a carton at a Junior Seminary that they had packed in Tonbridge three months earlier as the cartons had arrived while they were there!

It has been estimated that the value of all benefits to our friends over there passed the £1 million mark round about the twelfth container.

All of this was undertaken by Brian as the leader and inspiration for ideas.

Brian was diagnosed with bowel cancer over ten years ago but to him this was just another hurdle to jump in life. This hurdle seemed to get higher and higher and so he underwent ground breaking surgery five times, this we know took a lot out of him but he just battled on. As the years progressed Brian was determined that his eventual absence should not be noticed as he trained his successors, not only in Malawi-Twin but in his other business activities and it is to his great credit and foresight that all those activities will continue to run as Brian would have wished.

While Brian was having his fourth major surgery at Basingstoke he was faced with information that the container was going to be delivered to the wrong place in Malawi. The hours he spent talking to agents in England, Malawi, Customs and warehouses to make sure that it went to the right destination and all from his hospital bed was evidence of his doggedness and determination to get things right. Another example was only within the last two months when he was faced with a probable customs bill from Malawi on goods that we were gifting to their people, he spoke to many people including Malawi’s High Commissioner in London, over many days, but to no avail, this right up to the week before Christmas when his health was going downhill fast, he then took the sad decision to close the container project as our work could not be done with this additional financial burden. He then set about, with Colin O’Hara’s help to clear the warehouse and dispose of 300 computers, thirty sewing machines and much else to charities with the same objective. How can we thank him enough.

It was so fitting that Brian received the Fideliter Servienti (FS) award in October – Faithful Servant – from our bishop – a fitting tribute to his life, the title sums him up. Faithful to the very end. I would like to add my definition, Fantastic Superman.

In all this Brian had the unwavering help and love from Martina, Anna and Kevin, the help that he received from his family cannot be overstated particularly over those years when Brian’s health was failing. You all have been the rock that Brian could stand on in those difficult times that you so lovingly shared with him.

Presentation by Brian Wilkins to our children at St Margaret Clitherow school – October 2023

Brian gave a talk on Malawi to all the children at St Margaret’s on 18th October 2023. Notice what he is wearing!

Brian Wilkins – Fideliter Servienti Award for Service to the parish of Corpus Christi – October 2023

1 October 2023

Brian Wilkins was born in the year 1950 in Tonbridge and married Martina in 1974. They have two children Kevin and Anna who were brought up in the faith which the family nourished and celebrated in this parish.

From those early days Brian threw himself into parish activities continually, these included regular membership of the parish social committee and in particular the parish Christmas bazaar, running the monthly Bingo sessions, any parish social activity and helping Martina with organizing the Sunday Coffee Mornings. The parish responded to the Archbishop’s appeal at the Millennium to put aside 5% of our offertories to the Covenant to the Poor. The contact with priests from Malawi who supplied the parish in summer, helped us to establish contact with the Catholics who are in their care in Malawi. Subsequently the needs were identified such as Health, Microloans and Education, the latter including not only buildings and equipment but also sponsorship of fees for secondary education which is not free in Malawi. It was then decided to form an official group in the parish and this was called ‘Malawi-Twin’.

In the initial years an educational fund was formed with parishioners taking on personal responsibility for a student for their time at Secondary School and later on a general fund, with a monthly subscription to enable people to share a student. Currently the fees are about £100 per annum for a boy and nearly £250 for a girl, the difference is because girls need to board for their health and safety. There are currently over 53 students having their full fees paid for this. With regard to buildings there have been well over a dozen classrooms built and perhaps more than 20 others being provided with electricity to enable them to be used at night. All building projects which require funding have to be submitted with a detailed proposal and costing.

The parish also has a solar light appeal and over the years we have paid for well over 2,000 of these which enable students to study at home as darkness is virtually total by 6.00pm. Sponsorship has also helped students at the seminaries and for university.  One particular project which gave Malawi-Twin great pleasure was the donation of computers to the parish of Nsanje with a member of the team travelling out as trainer and all those trained by Malawi Twin got jobs in offices In all these activities Brian was actively involved and ran social events to gather necessary funds.

Brian’s experience in transportation management and logistics informed him that the parish could send out a container with necessary items to our friends in Malawi. He tried, without success to get an export license but this did not deter him. He set about trying other routes and eventually found out that the Anglican Diocese of Birmingham were sending a container each year which they could not fill. We have now joined forces with them regarding the transport and Brian is the brain behind the logistics. This year’s was our 14th consecutive container to go, except for one year missed during Covid -19. Microloans are life changing. Funds have been sent for pig farming, bakery equipment, dressmaking and vegetable farming among others and the beauty of this is that these are granted to groups of women who have to report every two months and give back 10% of profits until the loan is repaid and this goes to another set of women and so on. All of this is undertaken by Brian as the leader and inspiration for ideas.

With an operation as big as this there does need to be control of what is done. The team will only look after three priests and their parishes and these are all known personally to Malawi-Twin. Until just before Covid -19 four members of the team made four visits to Malawi and have seen and vouched for every building paid for. They have spoken to many recipients of education grants and have sat in on two of the regular meetings of Microloan recipient groups. It has been estimated that the value of all benefits to our friends over there passed the £1 million mark round about the twelfth container. Further in about 2008 there was great famine in Malawi and the parish raised over £18,000 in three weeks to enable our friends to purchase grain.

One person who could have given this reference so well from Malawi end was Late Monsignor Denis Chitete, happy memory, may his soul rest in Peace. 

It can safely be said that none of this would have happened without the foresight of Brian and Malawi team. It is easy to give money for any of these projects but quite another thing to put all this into place. This has become Brian’s life mission since retirement. The missionary aspect of all this is impossible to measure.

Over ten years ago Brian was diagnosed with Cancer and in spite of this health situation, last year Brian realized that the container had arrived in Mozambique but was being directed to Lilongwe instead of Blantyre in Malawi. He spent many hours on the phone or email to shipping agents in England, Mozambique and Malawi to ensure it went to the correct destination, this all from his hospital bed during uncomfortable treatment, this showed his commitment. It is typical of Brian that as he is well aware of the future, he has set about finding his replacements for all the paperwork and has trained three people in this and so the project will continue as his legacy.

Brian has been a huge example of what it means to be a missionary Catholic, and he has changed the lives of many people, so I recommended Brian Wilkins to Most Rev Archbishop John Wilson for the Diocesan Award ‘Fideliter Servienti’ for Brian’s faithful and committed service to the church.  Today, on the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Bishop Pat Lynch on behalf of the Archdiocese will award Brian Fideliter Servienti Award. May I invite Bishop Pat to speak a few words and honour Brain Wilkins. Thank you.

Gratitude and Progress: The Journey of St. Anthony (Changoima) Parish with Malawi-Twin September 2023

St. Anthony (Changoima) Parish extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Malawi-Twin team and the Corpus Christi parishioners for their unwavering support and partnership since our establishment in 2017. Nestled in a remote rural area, our journey as a parish has been challenging, marked by setbacks like the COVID-19 pandemic and cyclones Anna and Freddy. However, your constant encouragement and assistance have propelled us forward.

Administration Block for Changoima Catholic Primary School:

We extend our sincere appreciation for your contribution to the construction of the Changoima Catholic Primary School Administration Block. This facility now houses the Head Teacher’s Office, the Deputy Head Teacher’s Office, a Staffroom, and two storerooms. As a result, two classrooms previously serving this purpose have been freed up for student use.

School Fees for Needy Students:

Your support for secondary school students has been invaluable. Seven students have successfully taken their National Examinations, including Form 4 (MSCE) and Form 2 (JCE). While celebrating their achievements, we acknowledge two forthcoming challenges: providing support for those entering college after passing Form 4 and welcoming needy students into Form 1.

Pigs project:

We are pleased to report that the pigs under quarantine have been relocated to the Parish Kraal, totaling six in number. This initiative contributes to our self-sustainability efforts.

Locally Funded Projects:

a. Changoima Parish has undertaken the construction of several Out Churches, with the completion of Kabwatika Church being a notable achievement.

b. The acquisition of seven hectares of land, a portion of which is forested, has opened doors for future agricultural and livestock projects.

c. Cyclone Freddy damaged a school block at Kunyondo Catholic Full Primary School in March, but through dedicated efforts, we successfully restored the roof and resumed educational activities.

Construction of Class Blocks, Teachers’ Houses, Office, Staff Room, Pit Latrines, and Bathrooms:

The project is making steady progress, with the purchase of 350 bags of cement, quarry stone, metal bars for the Ring beam, timber for Ring beam shutter, and transportation of these materials to the site. The foundation has been completed and plastered, and leveling is expected to finish soon. Our collaboration with senior chiefs aims to encourage communities to contribute towards purchasing remaining building materials such as iron sheets, roofing timber, wire nails, paint, etc., especially as the planting season approaches.

In conclusion the partnership between St. Anthony (Changoima) Parish and the Malawi-Twin team has been instrumental in our journey to spread the Good News and develop our parish through various projects. We are immensely grateful for the support you provide through container shipments, prayers, and financial assistance. As we continue our journey, we humbly request your ongoing prayers and financial aid to complete the construction project and to meet future needs.

May the blessings of the Good Lord continue to shine upon you always, and may our shared efforts bear abundant fruit in the service of our community and faith.

Fr Steven’s Visit to Corpus Christi – July 2023

Fr Saju and Fr Steven celebrate Mass 31st July 2023

Mass at Corpus Christi

Dinner at Brian & Martina’s with Vipin & Shyla

Visiting Peter Wells

An evening with the Malawi team

Visiting Fr Behruz at Tenderden

Report of the families affected by Cyclone Freddy – March 2023

20th March, 2023

To : The Most Reverend Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, Archdiocese of Blantyre.

From : Rev. Fr. Davide Bello, Chiringa Catholic Parish, Box 8, Chiringa, Phalombe.

I hereby write to submit captions showing the effects of the Cyclone in the Parish for you to appreciate. Some of the pictures were taken three days after the cyclone as the area was impassable as bridges and culverts were washed away by heavy water flowing.
Let me also update you that to date, 91 people have lost their lives according to the information collected from the Senior Chief Nkhulambe and people taking part in the exercise of recovering dead bodies and burying them in the area. But the figure is going to increase as some people are still missing especially children.
As reported earlier on, during the assessment, the Parish team observed that the affected families urgently require food, blankets, cloths and kitchen utensils in that order.
The attached below are the captions.
Your Servant of the Lord.

Rev. Fr. Davide Bello

16th March, 2023

To         : The Most Reverend Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, Archdiocese of Blantyre.
From    : Rev. Fr. Davide Bello, Chiringa Catholic Parish, Box 8, Chiringa, Phalombe.


I hereby write to report to you that Cyclone Freddy which has affected the Southern Region has not spared our Parish of Chiringa which covers TA Chiwalo, TA Nazombe, Sub TA Maoni and part of Nkhulambe and Kaduya.

The Parish team has done preliminary assessment in our area and has collected the attached information below for you to appreciate. So far 55 people have lost their lives at Senior Chief Nkhulambe but the figure is going to increase as some people are still missing especially children. A total of 16,556 families which is 53,751 people have lost their homes and properties which includes food, cloths, blankets, kitchen utensils and livestock. Crops in gardens have been washed away which will also increase the burden of the whole population in the parish this year. These families have sought refugees in schools, churches and mosques in all areas covered. During the assessment, it was observed that the affected families urgently requires food, blankets, cloths and kitchen utensils in that order.


I commit these problems in our daily Eucharist celebrations. Your Servant of the Lord.
Rev. Fr. Davide Bello PARISH PRIEST

Tropical cyclone Freddie 13th March 2023

Malawi has been overwhelmed. Rivers are overflowing, people are being carried away by running waters and buildings are collapsing.

Malawi-Twin 21st Birthday Celebrations July 2022

We celebrated 21 years of Malawi-Twin last Sunday. The weather was very hot with temperatures over 34c, even so we had over 60 our parishioners attend.

Brian Wilkins and Peter Wells started Malawi-Twin 21 years ago

We had afternoon tea with lots of cake. Ken & Sue provided the beverages, so there was plenty of wine flowing to mark the occasion.

Fr. Saju opened the celebrations with a speech, highlighting just how much had been achieved by our small parish over in 21 years & was delighted to be part of the great project.

We received (and listened to) nine testimonials, one from Fr. Peter who could not be with us & another eight from Malawi. These can be heard via our Malawi website: click the video link.

Mrs. Raffles (Martina) held a raffle and together with ticket sales & donations the afternoon make a profit of £1093 for the Malawi project.

RIP Vicar General, Monsignor Denis Chitete

It’s with great sadness we report the news that Vicar General, Monsignor Denis Chitete died aged 53 in the capital Lilongwe on Friday, 24th December 2021 from a heart attack.

Tribute to Fr. Denis from Simeon Banda

It is with great sorrow that I am informing you that Fr Denis has returned to the father yesterday in the afternoon. It was just last week on 16th that he was informing me that Mary Woodhouse passed on. And today we are talking that he is also not  with us. It leaves me with great sorrow. 

It was on 15th December when he travelled to Lilongwe for his medical review, he was with his young brother. Iam told that he was suffering from diabetes and gout.  On his way to Lilongwe he stopped at my home village to give me the notepad. He was just okay when we met. And yesterday we had a phone call around 12Am, he did not tell me that the situation was so bad. He was online till 12:36am.

Denis was my priest, father, advisor and mentor. While I was in Rumphi for my attachments he used to invite me to his house in the weekends. was a loving and caring priest. He knew me before I get to know him. Until now I don’t know how he came to know me. He was in Karonga Diocese while I am from Mzuzu Diocese. I was taken by surprise when I  received a letter from my Head teacher that I have obtained sponsorship through Fr Denis Chitete.  I  never knew him for  along time until he came to see me. It was through his effort that now I am connected to you. He worked tirelessly after realising that Mary Woodhouse can no longer continue supporting my education considering her age. I have lost great figures and Denis has left the church with great sorrow. In his life time he worked tirelessly for the betterment of the church and Karonga Diocese has grown fast through his efforts in conjuction  with His Lordship Emmanuel Mtumbuka.

May  soul of Fr Denis Chitete rest in peace 

Obituary of Fr Denis on behalf of Corpus Christi Malawi-Twin     

Obituary of:  Msgr Denis Chitete, Vicar General of the Diocese of Karonga.

Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church. Tonbridge, England.   

2001 it was decided to aid an overseer’s country; we already had contact with Malawi, via Fr. Nazario who acted as supply priest to allow our parish priest’s a summer holiday.

So in August 2001 Corpus Christi Malawi-Twin was born, we began by aiding Fr. Nazario at Nsanje parish, our Malawi-Twin was extremely successful, which allowed us to extend our aid in Malawi.

In 2003 we became involved with Fr. Denis, who at that time was the Rector of Kachebere Major seminary, our twining project was able to assist Fr. Denis’s work at the seminary, giving financial assistance for the workshops and expanding the farming and fishery projects at the seminary. This gave much needed employment and training in Kachebere parish, in turn this gave much needed income, to support the work of the seminary. Fr. Denis planned many of these projects and managed them very successfully. This was witnessed by our parish visit in 2008.

Fr. Denis kept our Twinning project fully updated with comprehensive reports and some photographs, this greatly encouraged our parishioners to continue to support the Malawi twinning project.

Fr. Denis’s first visit to Corpus Christi was in August 2009, which allowed our parish priest to have a summer holiday, since then have been delighted to welcome Fr. Denis every year since, with the exception of 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.                                      During that time Fr. Denis had been a wonderful ambassador for Malawi, during the ten years here at Tonbridge, he gave lots of talks, with so much information which assisted us to continue expanding our Malawi-Twinning project.

Also in 2009 our Malawi-twin expanded our project by sending lots of items to Malawi via container, Fr. Denis acted as our co-ordinator in Malawi, which we shall always be very grateful for. Since 2009 we have sent twelve containers, our last one arrived during late November this year. We have sent almost two hundred desktop computers and over a hundred laptop computers, with many of these placed in your schools, with many other items for your schools & parishes. Again Fr. Denis has helped so much during his visits to Corpus Christi, he had given many talks and reports explaining how much this help so many people in Malawi, who have now become our friends, Fr. Denis has been such a wonderful ambassador for Malawi.

Then in 2010 we followed Fr. Denis on his mission to help establish a new diocese in Karonga, in the northern region of Malawi. Our twinning project has been delighted to assist Fr. Denis with his work in Karonga, with training & apprentice programs, micro loan schemes, farming projects, group baking training and projects, sponsorship program to name just a few. Over the years we have been delighted to assist Fr. Denis in his ministry work in Malawi.

Malawi-Twin celebrates our 21st Anniversary next August; we were so looking forward to Fr. Denis being our guest of honor.  

I am sure Fr. Denis we be sadly missed in Karonga and Malawi as a whole, but I know just how much Fr. Denis will be sadly missed here in Corpus Christi Tonbridge.      

We have prayed for Fr. Denis at all of our Christmas masses, may his soul rest in peace.

Brian Wilkins.    (Team Leader for Corpus Christi Malawi-Twin) On behalf of Corpus Christi Malawi-Twin (Dated 24th December 2021.

1st January 2022 from Frank Paul

.2021 was a wonderful year in my life. Full of memories and success both academically and social life. I attribute all this to your help and commitment to better our lives. I sincerely appreciate. Though we ended on a sad note with the passing on of Fr Denis, we pray for the eternal repose of his soul.

Extend my New Year regards to all members of the Malawi-Twin family.With best wishes
Frank Paul

Wednesday 29th December 2021 from Simeon Banda

I paid my last respects to Fr Denis on Monday 27th  when he was laid to rest at Chaminade cemetery. I  came back yesterday. I will set the life of Fr Denis to be my guide and emulate the good deeds he carried out while he was with us. His mission to serve  those in need of his help will never be abandoned.  It is my desire to help the helpless when I  get done with my education. Fr Denis loved school and he wanted all who are in his vicinity get best education. He considered education as the only means that we can uplift a Malawian child. He inspired me to work hard when he told me his education background. While he was young he wanted to get best education before doing anything. It is also my desire to get best education while at a tender age. I am also grateful that you still promise to continue supporting Malawian students. 

Requiem Mass For The Late Mons Denis Chitete

The Requiem mass is just over 3 1/2 hours available you don’t need to have an account or login)

Welcome to Father Saju Pinakkattu

20th November 2021 was Father Saju’s Induction Mass, may God bless him abundantly in his ministry in our Parish as we journey forwards together! Continued prayers for Father Saju and our Parish family.

£25 donation from our parish new “play & stay” group – December 2021

It very kind of the new group to think of the children in Malawi.

Donation of equipment from St Joseph’s convent – August 2021

St Joseph’s Convent prep school, Gravesend has sadly closed as they were unable to find new premises. They have been very generous in donating lots of equipment to our Malawi-Twin. See photos on the Future Containers page.

2021 Covid Appeal – your donations have raised: £6,314.10

I have attached some photos, these items will benefit our future containers.

Every penny counts – great fund raising from St Justice – March 2021

Over the last few weeks Betty Fuller & Joan Read, from St Justus Church have produced Easter Cards and presents for Mother’s Day and sold them at the church. They have raised a wonderful £55 for the Malawi Covid Appeal.

Visit each Parish web page to see how your donations are helping during the pandemic – March 2021

Emergency Covid 19 Appeal- February 2021

Fr Francis writes: We are very grateful, extend our vote of thanks to the parishioners and our Malawi Twin Team. We are planning to use the money in this way;

  1. we are having our Covid-19 awareness meeting Saturday 13th February and the second meeting will be on 20th February at the parish with parish leaders and there after we will have eight meetings one in each out station since the parish is composed of nine small churches we call out stations.
  2. We have also planned to buy and distribute 3,000 washable face masks so that everyone should have a mask.
  3. We are going to buy disinfectants to spray in all our Churches.
  4. we are going to buy bars of soap to enhance hand washing with soap.

We will continue praying for you, God bless, Fr. Francis.

Fr Denis writes: I took advantage of the Ash Wednesday Mass at Wiliro Outchurch to distribute water buckets, face masks and soap to be used in all our churches in Wiliro Zone. The distribution of materials continues. God Bless, Fr. Denis

Once again thank you for your help, making this possible.

Fr Denis, 3/3/21: Sunday School children at St. Michael’s Outstation washing their hands before Mass, using the donated buckets, wearing linen face masks.

Ways to Donate:

By Bank transfer (Bacs) to RCAS Corpus Christi Tonbridge.
Sort code: 60-21-28 
Account No. 71367780   
Quote: Reference MT-COVID
Or place cash or cheque in an envelope clearly marked ‘Malawi Appeal’. This can be posted to the parish or put through the presbytery door.

Emergency Covid 19 Appeal- February 2021

Dear Friends of Malawi,
In the UK: We are so lucky to have good communications, with television and radio updates on almost a daily basis, so we know what precautions we need to take to protect ourselves. Now with the rapid rollout of vaccinations, we are beginning to see a reduction in new infections.

In Malawi: Sadly this is not the case, as those living outside the townships in the rural communities often have no electricity, meaning communication is poor without access to television or radio. Many of our Friends in Malawi are therefore totally unaware of what they need to do to protect themselves. Many are so poor they struggle just to feed their families, with little to spare to buy hygiene products such as soap, sanitizer, disinfectant or bleach.                                                                                              

Our three linked priests, assisted by their catechist and prayer leaders, are working hard in educating and promoting Covid-19 precautionary measures in these remote communities. They are providing washing bowls, hand washing soap, sanitizer, face masks and PPE equipment.

Our linked parishes have very little finances available. Fr. Denis, Fr. Francis and Fr. Alfred have all sent similar reports of the situation, and have asked our Malawi-Twin for whatever financial assistance we can provide. The number of infections and deaths were low until five weeks ago, but are now rapidly increasing as the South African variant has arrived in Malawi. They are also telling us that the recent cases and deaths are not being reflected in the numbers being reported by the Malawi Health Department, due to the poor communications in the remote areas; indeed, they say the official numbers are just the tip of the iceberg.                       

Our friends in Malawi are desperate for our assistance.  If you are able to help by donating to our emergency appeal fund that would be great – any amount, however small, would be greatly received.
Brian Wilkins   On behalf of Corpus Christi Malawi-Twin

Below are extracts of Reports and Appeals received from Malawi February 2021.

From Fr. Alfred  Matumba Parish:
MAIN STUMBLING BLOCK: Our main setback as a Parish is the lack of funds to source out enough Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to reach out our Parishioners in both churches and schools. As a Parish, we would like to ask the Malawi-Twin Team to assist us in sourcing out Personal Protective Equipment such as hand-washing soap, disinfectants, washing basins, washing pales, chlorine, face masks and sanitizers which are intended to be distributed to all our 26 out churches and schools. We would also love to conduct more awareness campaigns and trainings in all our prayer houses and schools about the corona virus and its hazardous effects, and for this to be realised we need an external help for we cannot afford to materialise the dream on our own.

NB: We are aware that we have presented a request for funding which may not match with the availability of the funds in your coffers due to global financial constraints brought about by the current Covid-19 pandemic, and this is also the reason behind that we have not been able to present the budget to the Team. We will, therefore, gladly accept your any discreet consideration for bearing in mind that half bread is always better than none.

Fr. Alfred  Matumba  Parish Priest  Dated: 2nd February 2021   

From Fr. Denis:  St Joseph the Worker Parish
Considering the challenges presented by Covid-19, our Parish intends to purchase and distribute face masks, hand washing soap, hand washing basins, disposable gloves, chlorine and distribute them in all our prayer centres.

We also intend to carry out awareness meetings in all our prayers centres.

We would sincerely appreciate any financial contribution you may wish to make to our appeal
Fr. Denis Parish Priest and Vicar General St Joseph the Worker Parish 29thJanuary 2021

From Fr. Francis:  Changoima parish. Greetings to you, Tina and family, I hope you are all fine and safe. At this point in time I would like to inform our Malawi Twinning team that here the threat of covid-19 is so great and real but the real danger is that, our healthy system can do very little we need to join hands before the pandemic gets out of hand.

Father Denis’s and Fr. Alfred’s request represent all of us.

According to my observation many people are infected in the remote areas but due to lack of testing facilities they just suffer without being recorded, and hence there is a great need for us to reach out to these people with preventive measures therefore all proposed interventions by Fr. Denis are indeed necessary for the prevention of the spread of covid-19 infections.  We would appreciate any financial assistance you may wish to make to our appeal.
God bless you the time.
Fr. Francis.    2nd February 2021

Covid 19 – January 2021

The update from Fr Denis in Karonga. All our four priests who were self-isolating have now tested negative for Covid 19. We thank God.

However the Covid situation on the national scale is still scaring. The biggest worry is that the current wave is not restricted to the urban areas but has spread into rural areas as well.

The people who live in these poor rural areas are very vulnerable for many reasons; ranging from poor diet to inadequate information on the disease.

Let us continue to be united in the fight against Covid 19.

Praying for you. Pray for us!

Fr. Denis

Face masks for Christmas presents!

Thanks to your ongoing generosity the sale of masks, including Gift Aid, has now raised:


Isabelle has made a whole new range of masks which are available at Corpus Christi masses when the church reopens or by email.

Order your masks directly from Isabelle, email:

Thank you to all our parishioners who have bought masks which has helped to boost funds and also special thanks to those in the Sevenoaks parish of St Thomas’.

Isabelle’s magnificent efforts have left her with very little stock and she is going to take a break from the sewing machine for a few weeks. She’s hoping to bring a new stock out for the winter/Christmas season,

Thanks to your generosity she has raised an amazing £1,877. With gift aid this becomes £2,346.25

You may have seen one of our parishioners, Isabelle Parsons selling Face Masks before each Mass at Corpus Christi, and as often as she can at St Justus. There will be a selection on a table in the narthex for anyone who pops in when she’s not there.

Cash in the box please. For parishioners who are not able to get to church yet, she can deliver. Contact her by email: for orders.

Isabelle has been using her skills by making face mask’s of many different designs, patterns & colours, them selling them at mass in aid of our Malawi-Twin project. 

Coronavirus / Covid 19 update from Malawi

What a very sad photo, these children are located south of Lilongwe & north of Blantrye, these two cities contain the corona-virus outbreak. The people are in fear of their lives from this pandemic.
Malawi has little to no health care facilities, In Malawi; there are just 25 ICU beds in public hospitals, serving 17 million people,as at 20 Mar 2020

The Photo was received from Fr Alfred of Matumba Parish.

07/12/20 Malawi Confirmed = 6,053 Deaths = 186 Suspected =77,312

13/09/20 Malawi Confirmed = 5,669 Deaths = 177 Suspected =48,009

14/08/20 Malawi Confirmed = 4,491 Deaths = 137 Suspected =33,687

04/07/20 Malawi Confirmed = 1402 Deaths = 16 Suspected =15,544

June 18th 2020 – Update from Fr Alfred in Matumba:

Dear Friends of Corpus Christi – England.

It’s very true that covid-19 pandemic is spreading so fast. It’s very unfortunate that most of the people are not abiding by the precautionary measures that we need to follow to fight against the pandemic. The situation has been worsened by the political rallies that are currently taking place as we are close to fresh presidential election. These rallies bring thousands of people which compromise the 2m social distance rule. Malawians are expecting to go & cast their votes on June 23, next week.

We have one covid-19 confirmed case that has been identified just 63km away from Matumba Parish. We are trying our level best to sensitise the parishioners on the precautionary measures that they need to follow so as to fight against the pandemic.

It’s so sad as well to learn about the percentage of covid-19 deaths in UK & that people are failing to keep the precautionary rules. Let’s keep on praying for the end of this pandemic.

However, it’s good news to see that you are now allowed to meet few friends & that you can go out for private prayers. Let’s hope that the situation improves so that you can go back to routine life & container project, in particular. With love,

04/06/20 Malawi Confirmed = 393 Deaths = 4 Suspected =5,978

28/4/2020 The virus is in many parts of Malawi & has spread to Karonga in the far north. Our thoughts & prayers are with you & all our friends in Malawi

28/4/20 Malawi Confirmed = 36 Deaths = 3 Suspected = 735

April 29th 2020 – Update from Fr Alfred in Matumba:

It’s very true that covid-19 cases are increasingly being confirmed. The unfortunate thing is that many people are leading a normal life in spite of the precautionary measures given by the ministry of health & other leaders. As in Matumba parish, there is no any confirmed cases so far though we are too prone to the infection. Matumba is too prone to the virus in two ways: Firstly, we are bordering Malawi & Mozambique which makes free immigration & emigration of the citizens of these two countries. Secondly, Matumba is in Dedza district which has a very weak entry point / boarder. These two points put us at a great risk!

Besides, it’s generally hard to identify covid-19 patients in remote areas like Matumba since most of the health facilities in such areas have no testing kits / equipment. For instance, I am the administrator of Mikondo health facility (Diocesan Health Center) located in Matumba parish but we have no any covid-19 testing kits at the health facility, yet the facility treats various clients even those from Mozambique who illegally immigrate into Malawi seeking health services.

Finally, we thank you all for your unceasing prayers & let’s continue asking for God’s helping hand in this testing time. With lots of love & prayers,

23/4/20 Malawi Confirmed = 33 Deaths = 3 Suspected = 584 Balantyre: 8 confirmed cases, 1 Death, Lilongwe: 22 confirmed cases, 2 Deaths, Chikwawa: 1 confirmed case, Nkhotakota: 1 confirmed case, Zomba: 1 confirmed case

Welcome to Father Tesfamichael Negusse

We extend a very warm welcome to our new Parish Priest, Father Tesfamichael Negusse. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins his ministry with us. 

Father Tesfamichael is a Comboni Missionary Priest,originally from Eritrea and his ministry has included, amongst others, serving in Malawi, parishes in London and across the country working with refugees from Africa. Welcome Father Tesfamichael!

Farewell to Father Peter Murphy

We say goodbye to dear Father Peter who left our Parish at the end of July. He will be very much missed. We pray that God will bless him abundantly for the great work he has done for our Parish and in his ministry in his new Parish in Bromley.

Photos from Father Peter’s very well attended leaving party on Saturday 27th July 2019